PlayCulture is supported by our fabulous community and we exist to give everyone access to play. If you like what we're doing, please consider donating to help us grow!
Looking for the PlayCulture App? Download it below!
Terms of Service

Our terms and conditions for the use of our products and services. By interacting with our products you are agreeing to these terms.

Our Details

PlayCulture Ltd
Registered company number 14898010, registered in England
Address: 4 Kingsmead, St Albans, Herts, AL4 9JG
Phone Number: +44 (0)7529 901 030

About the Business

PlayCulture Ltd is a private company supported by a mix grant funding and direct community support. We develop and facilitate products and experiences designed to provide people with access to play, regardless of their background.

Our most notable product is the PlayCulture Mobile App, that allows people to facilitate their own games and events. We provide and maintain the PlayCulture App for free in the interest of furthering the development and proliferation of a playful culture for all people.

We also run an array of live events both for free, and occasionally for an attendance fee where there are significant costs involved at an organisational level.

Other Policies and Agreements

In addition to the terms outlined on this page, your use of our products or interaction with PlayCulture is also subject to the following policies. Click the highlighted text to visit the relevant pages:

Our Privacy Policy explains our privacy terms and how we use your data, and provides a method for removing your consent.

Our Event Disclaimer explains the risks involved in taking part in the type of activity we offer, and lays out the limits of our own responsibilities. You must complete the form at the bottom of this page before attending any PlayCulture event.

Permitted/Prohibited Uses of our Products and Services

Any use of or interaction with our products or services must comply with the following:

Breach of Law or Criminal Activity
Be sure to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. You must not use our products or services to accomplish any illegal or criminal activity. We will proactively report any illegal behaviour to the relevant authorities.

You must not use our products or services for the facilitation or commission of fraud of any kind.

Everyone in our community should be treated with respect. You must not use our products or services in any way which might bully, insult, intimidate, or humiliate any of your fellow users, or our staff.

Protection of Vulnerable People
You must not use our products or services for the purpose of harming or attempting to harm children (or adults) in any way, or indeed for exploitation or abuse of any kind.

Content Standards
Any information or material uploaded to our products or services must comply with all of our other terms, and must be provided with honest intentions. Any abuse of this facility will not be tolerated.

You are allowed to reference other businesses or organisations in natural conversation with other users, provided they comply with all of our other terms. Spam advertising (ie. promoting a business or opinion without being asked, or in multiple messages) will not be tolerated.

Destructive Use
You must not attempt to deliberately cause damage to our products or services through misuse or targetted action.

Business Use
You are allowed to use the PlayCulture App for your business and to earn money from doing so, however as the app is designed for use by individuals we will not be liable for any loss of profit or negative impact on any business caused by the use of our products or services. If you do decide to use any of our products or services to support your business, we would appreciate a contribution towards our ongoing development and maintenance. You can do this either via our Patreon or as a direct one-off or repeating donation. If you have a very large amount of regular useage we may reach out to discuss a more formal support arrangement. We reserve the right to deny service to any individual or business placing an unfair burden on our systems. We would encourage you to discuss your intentions with us at the earliest opportunity - we want to support you.

Should you use our products or services in any way that breaches our Terms, we reserve the right to suspend or ban your account. Any attempt to bypass any ban or suspension or other deceptive behaviours (such as creating additional accounts after a ban) is prohibited. Where necessary we will take any necessary legal action and report problematic behaviour to the relevant authorities.

General Terms

Minimum Age
Our products and services (including the PlayCulture App) are permitted for use by people aged 18 and up. If you are a parent or guardian and have children who want to take part, this is permitted under your direct supervision. The App Store/Play Store may allow the PlayCulture App to be installed by people under the age of 18 so that children under direct supervision may use their own devices to play.

Withdrawl of Products or Services
We reserve the right to suspend or withdraw any product or service without prior notification. Among other things, this could be for safety or technical purposes.

End User License Agreement
We use our intellectual property within our products and services to help you get the most out of our experiences. While we want you to thoroughly enjoy using our intellectual property in accordance with our terms, we retain all of our intellectual property rights. Redistribution or sub-licensing of our intellectual property is prohibited, however you are permitted to use the PlayCulture App in its original form as part of your business (see 'Business Use' under 'Permitted/Prohibited Uses' above for more information).

Expression of Views
Some of our products and services allow for users to create or upload their own content. As such views and opinions expressed within those products and services may not be those of PlayCulture.

Dispute resolution will be carried out in line with the laws of England and Wales.

Our products and services are intended to be used within the United Kingdom. The PlayCulture App is available on worldwide app stores to allow people with devices registered anywhere to download and use the app while taking part in the UK.

Limitations of Liability
PlayCulture, its creators, licensees, volunteers or game facilitators are not responsible for your safety - you are. You must make your own safety judgements before acting on any instruction provided by any of our products or services, or by other players or your game leader. Please remember that games can be very exciting, but they are only games. Never compromise your safety or the safety of others. Playing our games or taking part in our events may be physically demanding. By using our products or services you acknowledge that you undertake any physical activity at your own risk. Please consult your doctor before taking part. Except where caused by negligence or breach of duty on PlayCulture’s part, we are not responsible for injuries suffered as a result of using our products or services. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not exclude our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence. Our products and services are provided for free and for fun.

User Protection

Detection of Problematic Content
We routinely monitor all traffic on our products and services, and work to swiftly address any problematic interactions, or content that violates our terms.

Report a Problem
Within the PlayCulture App it is possible to report content, people, groups or events that appear to be problematic. We encourage our community to use our reporting functionality (usually appearing as a '!' button within the app) to directly highlight any negative interaction or experience, no matter how small. To dircetly report a problem with another of our products or services, please email


Appeal a Decision
If you feel like we have overstepped our responsibilities, acted unfairly or violated our own terms, you may be entitled to bring a claim. The first course of action should be to contact us at and provide as much information as possible about your situation. We will endeavour to resolve any problems in a timely manner.

Revision of Terms

We may update our Terms of Service to better reflect our goals and bring them in-line with our ongoing development. These terms were last updated on 30th May 2024.